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AAL Activities
60 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Beobachtung Merkurtransit "Ribeschpont" Schoul    Beobachtung Merkurtransit "Ribbeschpont" Schoul    gallery-img-540    . . .
Comets & Asteroids
75 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Komet  Catalina    gallery-img-553    Beweegung vum Komet "Panstarrs"    . . .
22 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

M 33    Supernovae SN2014 J on M82    Leo Triplet M65 M66 NGC 3628    . . .
Jokes & Fun
3 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Früh übt sich...    The Kenny Nebula in Constellation South Park    High Resolution    . . .
Meteors & Meteorshowers
17 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Feierkurel vum 24 Februar 2018    Feierkurel vum 21 Februar 2018    Feierkurel vum 25 Maerz 2017 em 00h19 min    . . .
38 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Plejades Subaru    Dark nebula in Vulpecula    Elefant Trunk IC1396    . . .
Observatories & Telescopes
13 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Selfmade Large Forkmount    Home-made Horseshoe Mount    Home-made Horseshoe Mount    . . .
19 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Public conference by Dr. Jean-Luc Lehners    Meeting John Dobson    Porte Ouverte at Fernand's Observatory in Abweiler    . . .
58 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Venus    gallery-img-566    Mars    . . .
5 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Cluster M37 Auriga    The Pleiades - M45    The Pleiades or Seven Sisters, open star cluster (Messier object 45)    . . .
Sun & Moon
107 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Landeplaatz vun Apollo 14    Supermound am Verglach    Moundlandschaft    . . .
19 total, enter for more, latest pics follow

Merkurtransit    Merkurtransit 2016    Transit of Venus 2012    . . .
X - No category
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Srichspuren    ISS    Cassiopeia    . . .
Saturday, 27 Jul 2024
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